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Apostle Will A. Meeks is a native of Mississippi.  He is the eighth son of eleven children born to Jacob Meeks and Lula Thomas Meeks.  Both parents have departed this life.

In as much as his parents led by example, Apostle Meeks was taught and developed in the way he should go, and actively attended Saint James Temple Church of God in Christ at an early age.  Consistently hearing the un-compromised word of God, along with witnessing miracles, signs and wonders, he realized the importance of a “personal” relationship with Jesus Christ.  In 1976, Apostle Meeks accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal savior, and in 1978 he was filled with the Holy Ghost.

Apostle Meeks graduated from Coahoma County High School in Clarksdale, MS.  He continued his education at Coahoma County Junior College in Clarksdale, MS, and received an Associate of Arts Degree in Accounting in 1978.

Because Apostle Meeks’ divine purpose in life was decreed through words of knowledge and prophesy, he accepted the call to the ministry.  To ensure a solid foundation, he followed the leading of the Holy Ghost and moved to Tulsa, OK where he furthered his education at Victory Bible Institute and T.L. Osborne School of Evangelism.

In 1987, he met the woman God had chosen to be his help-meet, and on September 3, 1988, he married Renee Antoinette Jones.  Today, they stand united and committed as servants of God bringing “restoration to contrite sprits.”

In 1997, Apostle Meeks began a weekly home bible study comprised of people who were abused by drugs and alcohol, men and women, and life in general - what the bible would refer to as the “least of these.”  He exemplified the love of Jesus allowing God’s word to break the rocks to pieces.  As a result of his perseverance, these lives were reconciled back to God and thus induced the birth of Sweet Honey In The Rock Restoration Church. Here is where the Word of God is causing reconciliation and restoration to broken lives and families. Bringing inner-healing to the hurting, proclaiming liberty to captives, and eyes of them that are bound are being opened.  Because of Apostle Meeks sincere belief that the ministry of the church must stretch beyond the four walls of the sanctuary, Sweet Honey In The Rock Restoration Church has become a relevant ministry within the community. Apostle Meeks operates both a food and clothing bank along with several other outreach ministries.

Apostle Meeks serves under the leadership of Archbishop Alfred A. Owens, Jr., Senior Pastor of Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church in Washington, DC, and Senior Bishop of Mt. Calvary Holy Church of America, Inc.  

Proud parents of four sons, two daughters and eleven grandchildren.  Apostle Meeks and Co-Pastor Meeks also nurtured his nephew/son Willie Meeks, Jr. (who lived with him as a teenager to adulthood); and a spiritual son who shared in their home.


Apostle Meeks realizes that he “MUST OCCUPY UNTIL THE LORD JESUS COMES”


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